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Asda Foundation Yorkshire 10Mile

14th Oct 2018 - York, Yorkshire

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Results (Showing 48 of 3044)

Pos. Bib No. Name Gender Cat. Club Gun Time Chip Time Gender Pos. Cat. Pos. Chip Pos. Share
37 12885 Mike Crosby Male M York Knavesmire Harr 01:02:13 01:02:06 37 21 35
38 10992 Lee Stanley Male M40 Ripon Runners 01:02:14 01:02:11 38 8 37
39 12128 Lorna Young Female F 01:02:14 01:02:11 1 1 38
40 12487 Chris Amery Male M Clowne Road Runners 01:02:23 01:02:18 39 22 40
41 12618 Nicholas Rooke Male M York Knavesmire Harr 01:02:31 01:02:27 40 23 41
42 12783 Ben Wilkinson Male M Sheffield RC 01:02:41 01:02:39 41 24 45
43 11329 Robert Ward Male M40 York Knavesmire Harr 01:02:42 01:02:39 42 9 44
44 12840 Thomas Odonnell Male M 01:02:44 01:02:37 43 25 42
45 12903 Liam Finnegan Male M 01:02:46 01:02:37 44 26 43
46 13500 Graham Justice Male M50 Beverley Athletic Cl 01:02:48 01:02:42 45 4 46
47 12717 Mark Crawford Male M45 Richmond & Zetla 01:02:49 01:02:44 46 5 47
48 12371 Iain Williams Male M40 01:02:51 01:02:47 47 10 48

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