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Donna Louise 10K

19th May 2019 - Trentham Gardens, Staffordshire

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Results (Showing 264 of 290)

Pos. Bib No. Name Gender Gun Time Chip Time Gender Pos. Chip Pos. Share
254 98 Hannah Roberts Female 01:14:13 01:13:56 109 253
253 234 Tina Kempson Female 01:14:01 01:13:57 108 254
255 117 Gareth Davis Male 01:14:30 01:14:06 146 255
256 320 Athula Ratnayake Male 01:14:43 01:14:31 147 256
259 253 Catherine Campbell Female 01:15:21 01:14:48 111 257
257 123 Samantha Day Female 01:14:55 01:14:55 110 258
258 136 Neil Lumsden Male 01:14:55 01:14:55 148 259
260 252 Robert Beech Male 01:15:22 01:15:02 149 260
263 115 Claire Tagg Female 01:15:37 01:15:18 114 261
264 108 Beth Hawkins Female 01:15:45 01:15:23 115 262
262 286 Sarah Gray Female 01:15:33 01:15:24 113 263
261 326 Valerie Stuart Female 01:15:33 01:15:24 112 264

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