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Run For All Middlesbrough 10K 2023

3rd Sep 2023 - Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire

Results (Showing 144 of 1195)

Pos. Bib No. Name Gender Cat. Club Gun Time Chip Time Gender Pos. Cat. Pos. Chip Pos. Share
133 1133 Sadie Abel Female FS Sedgefield Harriers 00:44:27 00:44:17 12 6 139
134 1320 John Lavender Male M50 00:44:27 00:44:08 122 20 133
135 1396 Antony Hoyland Male M40 00:44:28 00:44:13 123 30 138
136 718 Liam Gennery Male MS Newark Striders Running Club 00:44:32 00:44:12 124 73 136
137 191 Rob Cooper Male M40 00:44:34 00:44:09 125 31 135
138 94 Neil Simmonds Male M40 00:44:38 00:44:20 126 32 142
139 1358 Grace Humphreys Female FS 00:44:41 00:44:07 13 7 132
140 337 Martin Davis Male M50 Redcar Running Club 00:44:44 00:44:27 127 21 144
141 22049 Stephen Watson Male M50 00:44:44 00:44:32 128 22 146
142 22047 Gill Goss Female F40 Durham City Harriers & AC 00:44:48 00:44:33 14 6 147
143 1047 Chris Pattison Male M50 Derbyshire Dynamos 00:44:49 00:44:36 129 23 150
144 750 Michael Thompson Male M50 Quakers Running Club 00:44:50 00:44:44 130 24 158

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