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Run For All Middlesbrough 10K 2023

3rd Sep 2023 - Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire

Results (Showing 228 of 1195)

Pos. Bib No. Name Gender Cat. Club Gun Time Chip Time Gender Pos. Cat. Pos. Chip Pos. Share
217 673 Laura Henderson Female FS 00:47:42 00:47:14 23 12 224
218 1213 Sam Bytheway Male MS 00:47:43 00:44:48 195 98 160
219 328 Samuel Johnston Male MS 00:47:47 00:47:17 196 99 229
220 1374 Andrew Weighell Male MS 00:47:51 00:47:14 197 100 223
221 1238 Gavin Harsisty Male M40 00:47:54 00:47:30 198 49 236
222 1162 Gemma Tutty Female FS 00:47:56 00:47:20 24 13 230
223 76 Jess Robinson Female FS 00:47:56 00:47:26 25 14 235
224 12 William Sigsworth Male M60 North East Veterans AC 00:47:57 00:47:24 199 13 232
225 113 Ian Hart Male M60 Quakers Running Club 00:47:58 00:47:39 200 14 241
226 1254 Matthew Burton Male MS 00:48:00 00:47:17 201 101 227
227 902 Dale Sanderson Male MS 00:48:01 00:47:15 202 102 226
228 794 Hannah Shuttleworth Female FS 00:48:03 00:47:25 26 15 233

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