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Run For All Middlesbrough 10K 2023

3rd Sep 2023 - Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire

Results (Showing 300 of 1195)

Pos. Bib No. Name Gender Cat. Club Gun Time Chip Time Gender Pos. Cat. Pos. Chip Pos. Share
289 235 Meg Wheatley Female FS 00:49:48 00:49:06 43 24 290
290 1014 Andrew Brown Male M50 Lonely Goat Running Club 00:49:49 00:49:18 247 47 302
291 764 Andy Reay Male MS 00:49:51 00:49:16 248 124 298
292 343 Graeme Wharton Male M50 Lonely Goat Running Club 00:49:52 00:49:29 249 48 307
293 22058 David Boyle Male MS 00:49:53 00:49:18 250 125 301
294 1239 Chris Woodrow Male M40 00:49:56 00:49:16 251 59 296
295 791 Kirsty Robinson Female FS Birtley AC 00:50:00 00:49:37 44 25 316
296 709 Deborah Houghton Female F50 00:50:00 00:48:43 45 5 280
297 727 Josef George Male MS 00:50:01 00:49:28 252 126 306
298 22053 Chris Rodgers Male MS 00:50:03 00:49:31 253 127 310
299 320 Liam Clarke Male MS Orchard Eagles Running Club 00:50:04 00:49:36 254 128 312
300 1291 Lucy Owens Female F40 Stockton Striders AC 00:50:07 00:49:21 46 16 304

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