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Run For All Middlesbrough 10K 2023

3rd Sep 2023 - Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire

Results (Showing 396 of 1195)

Pos. Bib No. Name Gender Cat. Club Gun Time Chip Time Gender Pos. Cat. Pos. Chip Pos. Share
385 1038 Anita Savage Grainge Female F50 Orchard Eagles Running Club 00:52:51 00:51:04 60 9 364
386 55 Rob Denton Male M40 00:52:53 00:51:48 326 80 397
387 835 Arturas Kristopaitis Male MS 00:52:55 00:51:48 327 149 396
388 148 Gale Burke Female F50 00:52:56 00:52:31 61 10 418
389 152 Christine Mclean Female F50 00:52:56 00:52:32 62 11 420
390 1184 Aimee Barlow Female FS 00:52:57 00:51:59 63 32 401
391 1151 Jasmine Bishop Female FS 00:52:59 00:52:19 64 33 412
392 558 Louise Hardman Female F50 00:52:59 00:51:35 65 12 389
393 1303 Paula Slack Female F50 00:53:02 00:51:05 66 13 366
394 238 Michael Ford Male M40 00:53:03 00:52:10 328 81 407
395 342 Anthony Harnett Male M60 North York Moors AC 00:53:05 00:52:08 329 27 406
396 154 Lee Dodds Male MS 00:53:05 00:50:27 330 150 342

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