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Run For All – Nottingham 10k

16th Jun 2019 - Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

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Results (Showing 336 of 1142)

Pos. Bib No. Name Gender Cat. Club Gun Time Chip Time Gender Pos. Cat. Pos. Chip Pos. Share
325 4714 Clare Riddell Female F40 00:53:39 00:53:20 51 10 344
326 5098 John Foreman Male M40 00:53:41 00:53:13 275 87 338
327 4615 Martin Nelson Male M60 00:53:41 00:52:54 276 10 322
328 1851 Henry Ellerington Male M 00:53:42 00:53:18 277 140 341
329 5032 Leanne Miller Female F Penny Lane Striders 00:53:42 00:53:20 52 37 343
330 4105 Andrew Brierley Male M 00:53:44 00:53:20 278 141 342
331 4785 Dan sillitoe Male M 00:53:48 00:53:06 279 142 335
332 5297 Stephen Wormall Male M 00:53:49 00:53:03 280 143 333
333 4669 Layla Pearson Female F40 00:53:49 00:53:12 53 11 336
334 5111 Junliang HOU Male M 00:53:51 00:53:21 281 144 345
335 4204 Elizabeth D’Hooghe Female F 00:53:55 00:53:05 54 38 334
336 4542 Rex Littlewood Male M50 00:53:56 00:52:40 282 41 316

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