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Run For All Yorkshire 10 Mile

16th Oct 2022 - York, Yorkshire

Results (Showing 1368 of 1927)

Pos. Bib No. Name Gender Cat. Club 5Mile Gun Time Chip Time Gender Pos. Cat. Pos. Chip Pos. Share
1357 12139 Dean Mccormack Male MS 00:52:17 01:47:40 01:43:14 723 293 1311
1358 10692 Claire Horton Female FV40 00:51:04 01:47:41 01:45:57 635 200 1390
1359 12252 Debbie Tutty Female FV50 Sunderland Harriers And AC 00:49:58 01:47:49 01:43:34 636 114 1322
1360 12538 Nicola Coulthard Female FV40 00:50:08 01:47:50 01:43:09 637 201 1307
1361 10313 Rob Hunt Male MV50 Pocklington Runners 00:52:18 01:47:51 01:45:34 724 163 1374
1362 10833 Kiersten Vaughan Female FV40 00:52:18 01:47:51 01:45:34 638 202 1375
1363 10361 Andrea Linfoot-potts Female FV50 Pocklington Runners 00:52:18 01:47:51 01:45:35 639 115 1376
1364 10034 Catherine Lawton Female FV40 00:50:52 01:47:52 01:44:14 640 203 1348
1365 12180 Mustapha Cham Male MS 00:55:23 01:47:53 01:42:50 725 294 1294
1366 10908 Heather Tonge Female FV50 00:50:28 01:47:59 01:47:09 641 116 1424
1367 10990 Alex Cresswell Female FS 00:51:52 01:48:03 01:44:17 642 295 1350
1368 11655 Ellie Styles Female FS 00:50:40 01:48:04 01:46:01 643 296 1392

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