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Stafford 10k

25th Sep 2022 - Stafford, Staffordshire

Results (Showing 36 of 1406)

Pos. Bib No. Name Gender Cat. Club Gun Time Chip Time Gender Pos. Cat. Pos. Chip Pos. Share
25 1716 Mark Fox Male M40 Sale Harriers Manchester 00:37:18 00:37:16 24 6 25
26 1483 John Harrison Male M50 staffordshire police 00:37:25 00:37:21 25 2 26
27 383 Alastair Herriott Male MU21 Rising Brook Runners 00:37:32 00:37:28 26 2 27
28 96 Ben Podolaka Male MS 00:37:33 00:37:31 27 17 28
29 357 Calum Deakin Male MS 00:37:52 00:37:47 28 18 29
30 207 Robert Cartwright Male M40 Wolves and Bilston 00:37:56 00:37:55 29 7 30
31 1513 Will Taylor Male MS 00:37:58 00:37:55 30 19 31
32 1609 Alec Birch Male MS Stafford tri club 00:38:00 00:37:57 31 20 32
33 575 John Evans Male M40 Rising Brook Runners 00:38:05 00:38:01 32 8 33
34 1584 Scott Mcaleer Male MS 00:38:15 00:38:10 33 21 34
35 1464 Lucy Calrow Female FS Wolves and Bilston 00:38:21 00:38:18 2 2 35
36 939 Brad Roeton Male MS Tb Triathlon 00:38:26 00:38:23 34 22 37

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